Thursday, June 28, 2012

Enjoy Friends

As usual, I have one late post and one timely post ... I am in dire need of extra time ... I have had my nose buried in books lately and .... well you know how hard it is to put a good book down ...


Last Sunday was such and Enjoyable day!  I was treated to an Elegant afternoon Tea at the Hotel Vancouver with my dear friend Izzy!  It was actually in early celebration of my birthday, and Izzy surprised my with a book that covers topics near and dear to my heart ... entitled "Tea With Jane Austen" ... which could only lead to a discussion of Austen's novels, and that kind of narrowed down a giggley conversation about  Mr. Darcy (swoon), and how he makes our hearts skip a beat .... High Tea, giggles and visions of Colin Firth exiting a lake ... you bet it was an Enjoyable Tea!

I  have been very blessed to have so many wonderful close irl friends ... and I am equally blessed to have formed blogging friendships with some amazing people ...
I honestly do not know what I would do without my tried and true friends ... they help me through life's challenges and they know how to have fun and enjoy life's great moments.
I found this quote on friends, it speaks volumes, and I think, are words to always hold near.  I love the imagery in this quote ... picture it all ...

A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world.
Leo Buscaglia

How lonely our world would be without friends ...  I wish for a world of friends for everyone, so that no one has to suffer the life of Eleanor Rigby ... so that there are no lonely people ... and that everyone can get by with a little help from their friends ... (The Beatles will always be my favourite band) 

Thanks so much for stopping by!  and if you want to join us on our alphabet journey just click on the Jenny Button below!

Jenny Matlock


Pondside said...

I love that your heart of Full of Friendship in this post! Happy Birthday - belated, or early?

Ames said...

Yes friends are the flowers in the garden of life. Thanks for being mine!~Ames
P.S. Happy Birthday girl!!~Hugs♥

Judie said...

You sweet woman!! If we lived closer, we would be fast friends who had such wonderful jaunts and play dates!! Jo, you know that this is true!!!


Ingrid said...

Good friends are very precious ! I am as lucky as you and had the chance to meet a few Blogfriends life too !

Lynn Stevens said...

EECK Jo!!!! Your Birthday? Oh no I haven't finished your gift yet, guess I had better get my but in gear!
Looks like a wonderful day spent with your friend. Love the quote and I'm a big Beatles fan too.
Hugs Lynn

Wanda said...

Time is the ultimate commodity these days, isn't it? Still it looks like you make the best of what you have. I actually think your "E" and "F" posts are better for being together rather than separate.

Jonell w Harrison said...

I must tell you I love your name...'story coming'
Being name only one simple JONELL NMI and wishing for cute/pretty names others were blessed with I naturally loved it when new people in my circle of friends would call me 'JO' has such a friendly affectionate sound to me..Loved my quick visit but will def stop by and linger for "AWHILE" VERY SOON.
Jonell...simetimes JO also]
Like Gramma's House blog

storybeader said...

friends is a fabulous F word! Great pick! I love the Beatles too - always did, always will! {:-D

SarahBeth said...

Lovely posts -- and the two letters go perfectly together!
Now, Colin Firth exiting a lake -- that's something to think about!!

Kranky Granny said...

I so understand all that you have written about never having enough time.

I'm retired and i still can't get everything done on schedule. Seems that ever since I learned I had cancer last fall I have been running in "Catch up" mode.

I'm delighted that I have such a full plate and feel well enough to tackle it all but occasionally I would like to see the bottom of things like the laundry basket, and find that I have actually completed my responses to all the messages in my inbox.

The Poet said...

I'm smiling, because all day today (Sun) I was watching reruns of Pride & Prejudice with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. I love English period romantic movies. Those country estate houses were/are incredible. I can see myself living in Pemberley!

Good friends are very hard to come by. Cherish those one you hold dear. Nice photos and post. Thanks for sharing.

Flaws Of A Woman

KDL said...

Friends are indeed a special gift. I am learning that more as time goes on. I am glad you got to enjoy yours. I think Mr. Darcy is my favorite Austen hero. His forbearance in the story is just...stunning.

Splendid Little Stars said...

The tea sounds lovely!
Happy Birthday to you!
and Happy Canada Day!
I'm a big fan of Pride and Prejudice.

Jenny said...

Happy Birthday to you!

Your tea sounds elegantly fabulous!

Friends do make the world a much more tolerable place! I'm glad you're blessed with such good ones!

Thank you for linking!


Catherine said...

Happy belated birthday! The tea looks like it was beautiful.

Kathy said...

Wow! What a lovely post Jo! I'm so glad you and Izzy had such a lovely time over tea! Looking forward to celebrating your birthday when we go to Clipper Street on the 12th. Have the most fabulous of days tomorrow. Happy Birthday!