Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Remember that song ...

yeah ... Yellow ... by Coldplay ....
I love that song, but I have never really been in love with yellow ... sure the song made it seem that yellow was very cool ... but my affair with yellow didn't last long .... until ...

a weekend scrapbooking with my girls .... and oh what a weekend it was!

It started off innocently ... sitting around scrapbooking at Sue's ... then dinner ... and a couple of very yummy yellow Lemon Meringue Martini's .... and then I think we all had a few too many more martini's .... yes they are just that good ... and then we did more scrapbooking ... and wow, those martinis get the creative juices flowing!

Seriously this is one delicious drink, just take equal portions of frozen lemonade concentrate, pineapple juice, vanilla vodka, limoncello and ice.  Blend and voila!  Sunshine in a glass!
so the next morning ... we need to head out to Mink for fabulous coffees ... and the walls have some yellow ... and well other colours ... but look at the pretty yellow ... these are all labels of their chocolate  bars, and if you have never had a Mink chocolate bar, or Mocha ... then I feel for ya!
Sue, Kathy, Izzy, Sue and Iris ... we have a 3rd Sue but she couldn't make it.   Morning Mochas at Mink!  (My favourite bar .... "By Any Other Name" ... yummy!)
So since we were in a little outdoor mall,  we did some shopping, but near the end of the shopping a few of us diehard scrappers were anxious to get back to scrapping, so to pass the time, we played with the yellow courtesy umbrellas .... hey it was a great photo op, what can I say???  lol!
Doesn't yellow make everything look happier!!!

and look ... a yellow line down the middle of the road ... how cool, they must have known we were rocking the yellow that weekend! 

oh yeah, I did not take these photos, my friends did ... i was rocking my little Instax that weekend and I am going to make a little mini album about my yellow weekend ... soon!

Fast forward a couple of weeks, and I made a scrapbook page of my daughter in Yellow!  geez. I am really getting fond of the colour, I am going to have to pop up itunes and listen to that Coldplay song again!
My two beautiful girls!
 Thanks so much for joining me for "Y"!  Just click on the Jenny button below to find other Y posts!
Jenny Matlock
and big hugs to those of you that read my catchup post and commented last week ... you really made me smile and feel happy, and hopeful and .... well.... yellow!


Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun!

EG CameraGirl said...

Yellow is such a happy colour. I'm always amazed when I hear that someone isn't fond of it. Looks like you have a great group of friends!

My name is Riet said...

I love yellow, especialy in spring. LOvely post.

VBR said...

What a wonderful post for Y! Every photo just makes the smiles bigger!!

Lmkazmierczak said...

Cool post. You made me think about other yellow songs...Yellow Brick Road and Yellow Submarine♫♪

anitamombanita said...

Yes you did go all out for yellow, but how fun! And I love that Coldplay song too! Thanks for stopping by my blog too! Have a great day!

Judie said...

That yellow drink looks FANTASTIC! YUM! Oh, and your check is in the mail, Jo!! I'm excited!!

The Poet said...

Dear Jo,
I want to be the first to say...beautiful ladies. It looked like a lot of fun!! Life should always be like that. Thanks for sharing.

Denise said...

What a very cool post! Love how everyone seems to be loving the day. And yes, yellow is a happy color.

Ingrid said...

A song about yellow makes me think of the "Yellow submarine", lol !
I love yellow, it's such a cheerful color !

Lynn Stevens said...

Well here you are, Two posts!!!! How did I miss the last one? oh yeah been up to my elbows in repairs. LOL
What fun you gals must have had. The Martinis look delish and your morning mochas sounds like a perfect way to start the day.
Jo I've never been fond of yellow myself but your sure making me rethink about using it. I could use a little sunshine in my life right now!
Wonderful page!!!
hugs Lynn

Splendid Little Stars said...

I love that Coldplay song!
You sure have been immersed in yellow goodness lately!
What a fun time that must have been!
Those Lemon Meringue Martinis sound amazing!
(Yellow was my mother's favorite color.)

Cheryl D. said...

What a fun time! I love the Abbey Road-inspired picture!

Lola said...

Hi again!

Visiting from Mrs Matlock’s, many thanks for stopping by.

Great post – so apt.

Have a great Mother’s Day weekend too!

Izzy said...

Love all the yellow happiness in your life!

Kathy said...

What a great post! You ROCK Yellow!

Jenny said...


Gosh. You are an evil, evil woman.

I soooo want to make those.

I'm sending this recipe over to my little 'must try before I die' file!

This was such a happy post!

You really rocked the yellow, girl!

Thanks for the sunshiney smile!


Unknown said...

this post makes me feel yellow! (happy sunshine)

laterg8r said...

love all that sunny yellow :D

and thanks for the drink recipe ;D