Well okay in all honesty i didn't forget M, i just kind of tossed one idea around so much, and i couldn't Make it work, and by the time M naturally came to me, it was kinda late to write it, and yes, the dog did eat my homework ... sigh ...
I can tell ya one thing for sure, come P my word will be Procrastination ... but back to O and N ... and M ...
Magic .... do you believe in Magic? and what is magic? what is it to you? I think sometimes we are all on a path looking for a magic trick to make life so much easier .... but really ... i doubt that any of us will find it ... and oh so many wonderful tales have been spun around magic, tales of bravery, of loss and redemption, of miracles and of endless happiness and fountains of youth ...
magic ... in my mind ... my wee little mind, is just waking up every day ... it's in taking time to notice all of the little things ... the tiny mushrooms growing in moss, the beauty of a new bud on a tree, the sounds of children playing ... a crisp breeze on a sunny day ... the noise the rain, in all of it's forms, makes ... how good it feels to stretch both the mind and body ... that's magic ...
this is magic |
N is for Natural ... please tell me, what the heck happened to Natural? why can't we just let things unfold in a natural and organic way? why must we "fix" everything now ... why is Botox and other fillers just so almost necessary ... please let me age naturally ... i really don't mind age spots and a hint of grey ... but advertisements and celebrities are telling me that they are bad bad bad and what i really need is some injection, implant or other body modification just to "fit in" with my fellow 50+ friends ...
Even Honey is aging naturally |
and finally O is for Options ... sometimes i wonder if we all forget ... we have options at every point in every day ... sometimes choosing the one that right for us is just all too difficult .... but they are there, and they must be shared ... please always teach your younger generations that there are always options ... nothing in life is "life or death" there is always a choice somewhere ... just keep looking for it ...
Yesterday was pink shirt day in Canada ... a Nation wide campaign to end bullying. DD and I are suited up in our pink shirts supporting this important cause. |
Thanks so much for hanging in for this uber long post ... and i promise, no procrastination next week ... well as little as possible ...
as always, linking up to Jenny ...
Oh Jo my friend...don't you have a Staple's near by? They have an Easy button hon!!!!!
I too like to age naturally and gracefully. Why even my hair stylist asked me "When are you going to do something about that gray hair?" I said "I am doing something...your cutting it aren't you!"
And as for options? I have too many options and can't make my mind up half the time.
Wish we had an anti~bully day here. If we do I am not aware of it. But I'd certainly wear pink. I love pink! ♥ ~Ames
love your magic photo! And that's natural at the same time - there you go - two in one! {:-Deb
Oh, I love your photos and all your words.
I am so with you on the natural thing! Bring on the gray hair and age spots! Oh, wait...I already have both.
Great post! Honey is too cute & I love that you have a day to wear pink for being against bullying!!
great post I love your pictures and especially love your o word for options. We tend to forget we have choices
Nice post combining the 3 letters, lol !
Thanks for your comment this week. Options was the best here, but then I think you're naturally magic:)
Having natural options is magical. I like the post. I needed a reminder today that we have options at every turn. Thanks. Have a nice weekend.
Love the mushrooms. That's a great shot.
Personally, I prefer natural...well, at least in most things...maybe a little gray coverage is good, but I think people have gone way too far with the whole thing of plastic surgery, diet supplements, etc.
As for options, we do have them ... every day. I love it!
Love your post Jo and your photos are beautiful.
Natural! I so agree, growing old and showing ones age is how it should be. I've earned every laugh line I have!
So... how did it go? any news?
Hugs Lynn
Hi again! Love the post – great combination!
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend and look forward to *seeing* you again!
Great post Jo! love the M, N, O combination with photos ;)
I wore pink too - even to my Jazzercise class!
Great post Jo! Love the photo of you and Hayley! When are you going to scrap it? And the Magic photo....perfect! Love how you write!
Honey is soooo cute.
I don't care for the plastic, botox, can't blink, can't close your mouth because your lips are too unnaturally big kind of look! (LOL). I much prefer a natural beauty. Why would we want to change what God gave us? Our imperfections are what make us unique & beautiful. I'm a self-confessed narcissist & love myself too much to want to change.(smile).
Really enjoyed this post. Hope you can make it for "P" (lol).
Thanks for sharing & visiting.
Oh Love
Hi Jo
I've missed a few letters myself lately--it has been crazy around here. I love your catch up post! I also agree we should embrace our age and make the days count.
Now I have to think of a "p" letter post ..lol! Thanks for the reminder!
A beautiful and thoughtful post - love the photo of you and Hailey:)
I love the picture of Honey and you and your lovely daughter.
I've never heard of bullying day, but it sure seems necessary. Although we've always had bullies, electronics now makes it instant and wide spread. So sad for so many.
I talk to my Grandlittles often about these things...I just hope they don't get caught up in...on either end of the spectrum.
Thanks for an outstanding link to the letter 'O'.
You are wOnderful.
M N O--wonderful post!
I always loved books about magic--like Narnia or Edgar Eager. But the "real" world truly is magic. Aging is a kind of magic, too.
Pink Shirt Day is a great idea!
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog while I was on vacation!
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