Sunday, July 1, 2012

Saturday Centus ~ Hanging

It's Saturday, or in my case, the very remnants of Saturday ... on the verge of Sunday ...
Another cold rainy day here on the West Coast ... will summer ever come?

Our Dear Miss Jenny has surprised all of Centusians with another photo prompt and a total of 100 words to play with.  Here is my little entry, I came in at 99 words ... 

Suspended mid-air
I feel like I can float.
Closing my eyes, I lean back as far as I can,
I feel like I am the cloud, 
that blots the heat of the sun,
from the cold earth. 

Leaning from  side to side 
I can sway,  
The cloud, now buffeted by angel’s wings.
Their gentle feathers just out of reach,
But in my mind I can feel them, 
smell them, 
and see them.
I am at peace in my sway,
in my dream .

Reality is,
I am still just hanging
Not up,
Not down  
just suspended  

Happy Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians ... we are a grand 145 years old ... and Happy July the 4th to my American friends ... 

I hope you can grab some time to read some other short offerings ... just click on the Jenny button below to get to the linky!

Jenny Matlock